Sunday, June 12, 2005


I’m Baaaaaak! I’m not even sure which poem is the latest to be posted - so I’m grabbing a line out of each of the top three! Everybody wake up now and lets have some serious word braiding here! It’s 1:00 p.m. PST - 2:00 MST - 4:00 EST, 10:25 in Hawaii and . . . woops, 4:00 a.m. in Western Australia, (that lets you out I guess, Fran and Megan), but it’s 6:00 in Melbourne, certainly you’re not still in bed Heather?! I’m not even sure where everyone else is located. You don’t do Daylight Savings Time in Arizona do you?

ANYWAY! Lets see if we can get a braid going before night falls on the east coast. I know it’s Sunday, but if you’re out there - jump in!

Wake up Poets! We have wreathing words to weave

Songs to shine ‘til they glisten like effervescent rain
Like tears, like the glittering mica of tomorrow

Sparkles of words in which we can see reflections . . .
Our memory telling history, ancient wisdom calling us to follow
Wake up Poets ~ come braid shining, singing words with me!

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