Monday, July 11, 2005

Salt Doll

Salt doll does not measure the ocean before it is time. Instead, she rides the waves in her semi seaworthy body vessel. The ribs of the aging ship are beginning to creak and groan. Salt Doll peers into the foamy depths, recognizing she'll return to her ocean home in a blip, a heartbeat, a nanosecond.....


Unknown said...

Maya, this is utterly haunting, it literally took my breath. So much poetry is so same, so unchanging and invariable. Every so often comes a poem that is totally unique - so fresh that it does make you gasp. This is that kind of poem. Incredible. I will never lose the startling, incomparable image of Salt Doll.

maya said...

I'm fairly certain that the concept of the salt doll returning to the sea (Original Knowledge) is that of Indian sage... Sri Ramakrishna. I know he would have appreciated our poems....Maya