Wednesday, May 25, 2005

CF#1 - second strand

I allow the 'velvet twilight wind' to caress my cheek.

I know the Mistress' secret hand touches my very soul,
though hidden in clouds of yesterday.

My aging blood still ripples against the stones of strife and pain,
reduced to glistening polished pebbles of eased memories,
finally as sand that slips away in timeless rebirth.


Unknown said...

I expect people to be arriving slowly for the next few days. Someone will be along to pick up strand three so I’m going to keep my hands off! For now anyway . . .

Oi Vey! “My aging blood still ripples against the stones of strife and pain, reduced to glistening polished pebbles of eased memories”. Stunning. How did you know just what I was feeling like this ‘morning’ that has had no night?

maya said...

This is a little confusing! I see strands two and three have been added in the "comments" section and faucons is a new post. Perhaps we should just post additional strands without numbering them? I'm working on one of my own. I find I'm unable to whip one up quickly. This is a good mental exercise for my sometimes (mushy) mind..

Unknown said...

Maya, you may be right about just posting strands rather than numbering them. What would be the least confusing? Organization is NOT what I am best at!! Does anyone have suggestions?